«Крокодил, который солнце проглотил!» “The crocodile that gobbled up the sun”
Акрил, масляная пастель, акварель. 71х31 см Watercolor, oil pastel, acrylic. 71x31 cm
«Краденое солнце» From “The stolen Sun” by Korney Chukovsky
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Испугался Крокодил, And the crocodile
Завопил, заголосил, Soon forgot his smile
А из пасти And he yelled in fright
Из зубастой With all his might.
Солнце вывалилось, From his jaw.
В небо выкатилось! From his maw
Побежало по кустам, The sun flew high
По берёзовым листам. Till it reached the sky,
<...> And its bright light fell
Корней Чуковский Over hill and dell.
(Translated by Dorian Rottenberg)